In 2018, AfricaScope South Africa assisted the Other Foundation in conducting a perception survey on sexual orientation and gender identity in Malawi. This was after the first survey was conducted in South Africa. The results of the Malawi study was published in 2019 and called Under wraps – a survey of public attitudes to homosexuality and gender non-conformity in Malawi.
This was the second time that a perception survey of this nature was done on the African continent. The approaches used by AfricaScope allowed this survey to be conducted with scientific integrity by using the most innovative methods in the implementing the survey.
The Other Foundation has now commissioned AfricaScope to assist them in the implementation of surveys in Botswana and Eswatini. These perception surveys that measure the attitudes of the general population to understandings sexual orientation and gender identity, are some of the most complex surveys conducted anywhere in the world.
AfricaScope has the expertise and capabilities to successfully implement these perception surveys in Botswana and Eswatini.