Grand New GeoSpatial Datasets for South Africa

, ,,,,AfricaScope, using innovating methods has been able to map the geospatial datasets below. The datasets are for 2016 and cover topics such as access to motor vehicles, Internet and mobile phones. Datasets on household expenditure and employment area also available at the most detailed level for South Africa.,,
,Motor Vehicle Statistics

  • Knowing how many motor vehicles there are in South Africa, at a detailed spatial level, provides invaluable information for planning in the motor industry.
  • It assists in defining the size of the target market in an area for the development of dealer networks.
  • These statistics support the spare parts, servicing and panel beating shops in developing their markets
  • Statistics indicate the number of motor vehicles and how many vehicles are owned by households
  • The map shows that the number of motor vehicles owned by a household is characterized by the demographics of the area.
  • Households with older children at home have three or four motor vehicles, while retired households generally have one motor vehicle.

,Access to the Internet

  • Understanding what proportion of households have access to the Internet is invaluable for service providers in developing new markets
  • The map shows that the more urbanized areas of the Western Cape, Northern Cape and eastern parts of the Eastern Cape have higher percentages of households with Internet
  • It is especially within the metropolitan areas where there is a higher penetration of the Internet but this also varies from suburb to surburb
  • Detailed information on the percentage and number of households that have Internet can be provided at an enumeration area level.
  • Knowing who has access to the Internet allows appropriate communication, advertising and digital retail sale strategies to be developed.

,Household Expenditure

  • Information on the number and percentage of households falling into different expenditure groups is available at the most detailed spatial level for South Africa
  • Household expenditure can be used to define areas of wealth versus those that are impoverished.
  • The maps shows how household expenditure varies in the suburbs in and around Sandton and Alexandra in Johannesburg
  • A majority of households are spending more than R10 000 per month in suburbs surrounding Sandton while household expenditure in Alexandra is quite evenly spread from R800 to R 9 999 per month.
  • What the maps shows is that suburbs can have quite homogeneous expenditure patterns but that there are areas within these suburbs that have more variable expenditure patterns. This is often a consequence of variations in land use from residential to commercial and township areas

This is invaluable in looking at the distribution of products and services as well as the location of malls and establishing retail networks.

,Levels of employment

  • The map shows the number of people employed per enumeration area across South Africa.
  • Data on the percentage of people employed, unemployed and not being economically active (eg infants, scholars, people not seeking work and retired people) has also been mapped
  • The variation in the colours show how the levels of employment vary within the provinces. Provinces such as the Western Cape, North West and Mpumalanga have fairly large numbers of people employed in the rural areas.
  • The urban centres show similar patterns, although there are much larger numbers of people living here and there tends to be lower numbers of people employed, especially in the townships

,,Access to Mobile Phones

  • Mobile operators need to know the size of the mobile phone market to understand their market share, to establish their retail store networks and to develop appropriate marketing strategies
  • Information on the number and percentage of households with access to mobile phones as well as the number of mobile phones per household is available at the most detailed spatial level for South Africa
  • The map shows the number of mobile phones owned per household in the southern suburbs of Cape Town.
  • There are clearly variations in the number of mobile phones owned within the suburbs with households in the eastern part of Rondebosch and Claremont and Newlands generally having two while the western part of Rondebosch has households with between one and three mobile phones

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