Latest population statistics for South Africa at a geographic subplace level
What is the South African Demographics Viewer?
It is the first web mapping portal that provides current demographic data (2019) at different administrative levels for South Africa
The data is provided at a sub-place (suburb or neighbourhood) level for the entire country.
The Viewer includes composite indices that have been created by combining some of the population statistics
It allows users for search for geographic places to get population statistics by age, gender & race
Colour thematic maps can be generated for a number of indicators including total population, age dependency, dominant race, sex ratio & population density
When selecting different geographic features statistics on the size of the 2019 population are provided.
Tabular data for all variables & indicators at a subplace level are provided.
Charts are provided that allow further filtering and the ability to do analysis of the different variables
What’s included in the data?
Provides total population statistics by age, gender & race
Provides indicators on:
Age dependency (ratio of non-economically active to economically active population)
Dominant race (race group with the highest population)
Sex ratio (ratio of males to females)
Population density (total population per km sq.)
Who uses the data?
Any individual, business or organization that is interested in population statistics for South Africa at a provincial district, municipal or place level.
For what is the data used?
Population statistics are invaluable for any form of planning whether in the private or public sectors.
Please fill in the information below to access the Viewer
Need the latest & more detailed demographic data?
Africascope SA updates the population estimates annually for age, gender & population group at the most detailed geospatial levels.
Using image processing & statistical methods the data is updated and benchmarked against the latest mid-year estimates provided by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA).
Using our demographic estimates and other secondary datasets we model other datasets from nationally representative – individual and household income.
From Stats SA’s General Household Survey (GHS – 2019) we map the Living Standard Measures (LSM) to the neighbourhood level.
From the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) of 2013 we can provide estimates of the working/daytime population of South Africa.